Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Upcoming Events

Jean of The Idiosyncratic Fashionistas
I always find it challenging to explain what I do for a living, especially in the course of a short conversation. There is so much to share about the wonderful people that I photograph. This is why I look forward to opportunities where I can speak about my work and discuss some of my favorite moments and stories from the past few years. I have some upcoming events where the ladies and I will be speaking about Advanced Style and signing books. We hope to meet some of you there!

Advanced Style Photo Exhibit, Presentation and Book Signing
Date: October 24, Thursday, 7pm
Location: Stamford JCC, Stamford, Connecticut
Details HERE

Mirror Mirror- Representations and Reflections on Age and Aging, Presentation and Book Signing
Date: October 29, Tuesday
Location: London College of Fashion, London, England
Details HERE

Advanced Style Book Signing and Party at Koi Boutique
Date: November 23, Saturday
Location: Koi Boutique, South Pasadena, California
Details HERE

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